Changing the way we work: feminist organisational practice is transformative!
I've worked with many feminist networks and organisations over the years, and what has always inspired me are the feminist practices and processes that are deliberately crafted to disrupt harmful norms or power imbalances. What's accepted as 'normal' in any other workplace setting is flipped on its head and redrawn by feminists, in order to contribute to transformation. For example, in my own work as a feminist editor, I do not practice the grammatical policing of authors writing in English that have English as an additional language, and instead encourage different formations and ways of expressing, despite deviating from the 'rules'. Because deviating from the 'rules' is inherently feminist, and norm-breaking is liberatory and peace-building. From simple processes like collecting information for a research project, facilitating a training program, or hosting and participating in a meeting – feminists do it differently. In my humble opinion, they do it better.
There are so many examples, that I decided to embark on my own little side-project to try and put them all in one place, i.e., here. It's obviously not an exhaustive list, and it's curated based on how my own brain works, so will be biased in that respect, but I thought I'd rather share the process with everyone else, rather than squirrelling it away in my Google Drive to gather dust and eventually be forgotten. By making this library public, I'm contributing to feminist collaborative process myself! And if no-one reads it at all, that's OK too, because it's as much of an organising project for me, as it is an offering for you!
What you will find in here...
I started collecting links to articles about feminist praxis, deliberately excluding feminist leadership because there is already some great information and analysis out there on that and I didn't want to repeat it. But then I realised that some of the reports and articles I was editing in my own work demonstrate feminist praxis in their methodologies and approaches, without explicitly naming or drawing attention to it, and so I thought I would start documenting those as well. For each article, I've tried to add a sentence or two on what it's about and why it's important. If you come to the bottom of the list, you'll probably just find the URL with no narrative added at all. That's because I've either run out of time or steam, or both. Bear with me, and I hope some of you find it useful!
If you want to contribute to the list, please contact me.

The List: Links to content about feminist practice and processes
ActionAid UK: feminist principles and behavioural framework - what they call their feminist behaviours.
Frida | Young Feminist Fund: Happiness Manifesto - putting self and collective care first in an organisation. I personally love this! It includes points like "We will delete our work emails from our phones".